Suspect is a blonde female She has been caught stealing low priced items from the storefront!
Suspect is blonde female The suspect is observed hiding stolen items in her pants
Tersangka adalah seorang wanita berambut merah. Karyawan di departemen perhiasan melaporkannya atas aktivitas yang mencurigakan
Suspect is a blonde, adolescent female. She has been caught stealing small, low priced items from the storefront.
Lyra Lockhart kedapatan mencuri barang dari departemen perhiasan. Setelah pencarian, sebuah gelang besar ditemukan di celana dalamnya
Tersangka adalah remaja putri berkulit putih dengan rambut hitam.Dia memiliki tinggi sedang dan memiliki sikap defensif.
Suspect is a female with dark hair She is observed exhibiting suspicious behavior on store premises
Tersangka adalah wanita berambut cokelat. Dia terlihat menyembunyikan barang-barang di jaketnya di sekitar toko
Officer On Duty Observes Mom Stealing Items From The Jewelry Department And Detains Her
Tersangka adalah wanita muda berkulit putih. Item telah dilaporkan hilang tetapi tidak dapat ditemukan!
The Suspect Removes Her Sweater And Caught Hiding Jewelry
Suspect is a blonde female Suspect has been observed reaching behind the cash register and taking something from it
Tali Dova In Suspect is a White Adolescent
Sheena Ryder is the female suspect who compromised with officer Wrex
Suspect is an adolescent Latina female with dark hair. She is an employee of the store and is suspected of helping her friends steal goods.